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Celebrations of Appreciation

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

Thanksgiving celebrates the blessings of the past year, so the sentiment of rural Nicaraguans' heartfelt appreciation for donor contributions fits well with the Day of Thanks. This month, we turn "Life in Nicaragua" over to the voices of our Nicaraguan partners who are thankful for all of you who have made life-changing projects for over 200,000 rural Nicaraguans possible.

"We've already seen a change in the environment thanks to the nurseries and tree plantings. We appreciate El Porvenir’s collaboration and donors’ contributions to the nursery." --Rebeca Reyes, Posolí, San Lorenzo

"I feel better because we do not go to the bathroom in the field, we no longer run into danger at night, and the children are safer going to the new and well-built latrine that we now have. We thank El Porvenir for this project." --Carmen Montoya Martínez, San Lorenzo

"We thank God and the donors for this help because it is very important to drink clean water. You cannot imagine how long I spent wishing to have a filter like this." --María Solano Obando, Miramontes, San Lorenzo

"We thank the donors to this project for the unconditional support they have given us and the way in which we are working in a united way and ensuring the principles of each person, placing importance on health." --Maynor Ruíz, El Carbonal, Ciudad Darío

"The El Porvenir [school handwashing station and latrines] project and the donors hit a home run with the construction of beautiful toilets and the beautiful handwashing station. We requested the project, and thanks to God and our efforts, we are seeing the reality of the project. It is very nice and useful. We thank the organization and the donors." --María de la Concepción, San Juan Yaró

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Jul 10

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Angello Mutti
Angello Mutti
Oct 14, 2023

It is very good that you help people with your projects. You make the world better, as well as But it is worth noting that it really helps in learning. And you can become more successful

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