We are grateful to all of our donors! We are a transparent organization and will provide more detailed financial information upon request. We are an efficient nonprofit; 82 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to our program work in Nicaragua.
We are grateful to all of our donors! We are a transparent organization and will provide more detailed financial information upon request. We are an efficient nonprofit; 82 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to our program work in Nicaragua.

Work team heads out to the work site.

Work team heads out to the work site.
El Porvenir® invites you to share the life and work of a Nicaraguan community. We offer volunteer experiences for small groups (10-12 people) to work alongside Nicaraguan families on water and sanitation projects to improve the standard of living in rural areas. No construction experience needed. You will be accompanied by a bilingual guide at all times, so Spanish proficiency is welcome but not required. Trips are customized for each group and typically last 7-10 days. The group's interests and abilities are considered as are the communities' needs.
Trips also include time to explore other parts of Nicaragua after the project work is complete. Your group may a visit the beach, a live volcano, a cloud forest, a crafts market, and/or a Nicaraguan concert or dance performance.
Not only will you learn a lot, but you'll have fun and do something meaningful. We can't wait to meet you at the Managua airport!
The majority of our service trip volunteers are part of a larger organized group, such as a faith community, a university program, or a service club like Rotary. A group leader communicates with trip participants and work with the El Porvenir Volunteer Coordinator to plan the details.
We can create an "open enrollment" trip when we have enough individuals/families who would like to travel with us. Cost is determined by number of participants. If you want to travel wish us, please email Jessica, our Volunteer Coordinator. We appreciate your interest in working with and learning from Nicaraguans and will do everything possible to make your trip happen.
Our service trips are working trips where volunteers work hand-in-hand with Nicaraguan community members and El Porvenir staff. Tasks include digging holes, carrying materials, building structures, pouring concrete, and more, depending on the type of project your working on.
Possible projects:
We partner with rural schools to build handwashing stations for students and teachers. These brightly painted, multi-tap sinks are stocked with soap and improve student health. They are put to good use all school year long, but especially during the ever-popular Hand-Wash-a-Thons! Did you know that studies by the UN Development Program show that access to clean water and sanitation at schools can reduce the risk of diarrhea in children by up to 30%? Also, CARE estimates that school attendance improves 20-30% when schools have sanitation facilities.
Our sanitation initiatives increase dignity and hygiene. Studies have shown that improved sanitation can add up to 20 years to the average life span. By working to end open defecation, streams and the environment are cleaner, communities are healthier, and children are able to attend school more regularly.
Indoor air pollution by traditional smoky, woodburning stoves is as detrimental to health as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day (WHO). Our cookstoves vent harmful smoke out of the home and use 60% less firewood. This reduces deforestation and improves watershed health.
Nicaragua has lost 49% of its forests in the last 50 years. We look at the full cycle of water: where it originates and to how to keep it flowing. We improve water quality and quantity through various methods to restore stream flow, decrease erosion, and recharge groundwater. We work with communities to grow seedlings and then transplant them throughout their watershed.
Trip costs range between $1,700 and $2,000, depending on the type of project, length of stay, and activities. Cost includes
in-country transportation
materials for the project
Participants are responsible for
travel health insurance
round-trip airline tickets
Nicaraguan visa fee ($10)
extras such as alcoholic beverages, snacks, and souvenirs

Dora Leiva
Dora has her undergraduate degree in psychology and her master’s degree in sexual and reproductive health. Through her work, she has visited some of the most remote areas in Nicaragua and enjoys learning about the people in different regions. In her spare time, Dora enjoys going to church and spending time with family and friends. She is a great cook and loves to dance.

José Solis Ruíz
Jose studied engineering in agricultural production systems at the University of Central American. He also studied English translation. He has worked with US groups since 2011, and when not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing with his kids and his nieces and nephews. He loves to cook and to listen to all types of music.

Marcos Rodríguez
Marcos has worked as an interpreter with medical, ecotourism, and volunteer groups in Nicaragua since 1995. He has had the opportunity to work in some of the poorest communities in the country and loves learning about different aspects of Nicaraguan and US culture. When not working, he spends time with his family. He likes to sing karaoke and his favorite music is from the 70s and 80s.

Enrique Centeno
Enrique joined the El Porvenir team in 2022 and has warmly welcomed numerous visitors. With a background in communication, he has a passion for photography, cinema, and history. He enjoys spending hours discussing fascinating topics, particularly history and science fiction books. His enthusiasm for storytelling and knowledge makes every conversation memorable!